Thursday 13 March 2014

Sleep Training - Night Three

I struggled to make it through the day yesterday, I was so tired. I really hoped that I would manage to get some golden shut eye to feel hippy and refreshed for the new day...

It started off well. I tucked them both into bed and they both snuggled down nicely. No disputes or whinges. No crying or pleases to stay with them. Could this really be happening?! I went downstairs feeling like something was missing, that there was something i had forgotten to do. It all seemed too easy.

I sat on the sofa and waited.


Surely one of them is going to kick off in a minute?

I put something on tv to distract me.

Gradually, I began to relax.

Before long an hour had passed and I knew they were dreaming peacefully. Unfortunately I thought I'd catch up with some blogs and write a post or two. I realised what the time was at 1am and scurried up to bed, fearful that I would only snatch a few minutes before the night shift began.

At 5am Chaos came in complaining of tummy ache so I let him into bed to rub his poorly tum. (Very bad I know, but it is rare that he comes in anymore and it meant an extra hour sleep for me) An hour later I heard squish get up. Before he realised that Chaos had crept into my bed I got up and met him on the landing. He was none the wiser as Chaos got up too.

I am so proud of my little man for staying in his bed for the whole night! I am also chuffed that I had the perseverance to see it through. Don't panic, I realise we are not out of the woods yet and we will probably have two rotten nights to balance out one good one but it's progress. We know he can do it now AND not wake up in the night either. I feel much more positive about getting some decent sleep in the not too distant future now. Hurrah!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow I thought night three would be full of horror lol night three is notoriously the toughest so this is good! Hope the runny ache was nothing in the end. Well done Choas too :) couple of weeks and you'll see massive turn around keep going you're doing fab Mum Ra ;) xxx


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