Monday 22 December 2014

Sick Child Relay

Here is a game those of you with more than one child can play. It's ooodles of fun and a great way to keep trim and stressedto the eyeballs. All it involves is having all your children ill at the same time, preferably with some awful coughing, puking, scream inducing lurgy, and you're all set.

For those who are quite hardcore and want an added challenge, try playing the Christmas version. This has the added stress of panic present buying, trying to remember all the obscure places you've hidden said presents and the impossible task of wrapping everything without being seen.

** For the single parent version, enjoy the added crazy by receiving useless texts from your ex such as "How are the kids?"  and "Aww bless him" It is vitally important NOT to throw your phone at the nearest wall. I was lovingly reminded by someone that "he means well"....?! It is also important NOT to punch people who make stupid comments, they are sent to test you and are part of the game. A good glare usually warns them off, especially if you combine it with steam from your ears and a little fire breathing to singe their hair!

So, what happens is your kids are all ill in varying degrees and you have to try to keep them all happy without totally losing the plot or the will to live. For the duration of the game they will make endless demands, some reasonable and some utterly ridiculous, which you have to try to complete in the shortest time possible. They will occasionally make demands at the same time but usually alternately, hence the name of the game!
After dark is when the fun really starts. Demands are made alternately, usually once you have got into bed for the fifth time, got warm and dozed off. Screaming is best avoided (yours or theirs) as it wakes the others one by one and a chorus developes rapidly. Dont bother putting the juice away and keep the kettle constantly on the boil.
Any visitors MUST BRING CHOCOLATE. It's the rule. If they don't send them off for supplies before allowing them entry. If they dont run to the nearest shop they are probably the sort that stand in the way wittering about some outside world you've long forgotten.
Oh, sleep? Forget it! Adrenaline and caffeine are your new best friends. You didnt think the boiling kettle was for them did you?!

So if youre still up for the challenge prepare yourself for endless Disney films, snotty tissues, juice runs (warm and cold), chocolate requests, wailing over ridiculous things (like he touched my teddy), uneaten meals and sitting on the floor (the one child per chair rule applies, including the sofa!)

Ready..... Set....... GO!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I really don't envy you I struggle with one or two think I'd run off a bloody cliff with four lol I'm only joking obviously I think you're doing good, probably losing a few pounds like you said got to be something! Mostly you're describing a bunch toddlers really just in their extremes. Tough!! Xxx


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