Wednesday 29 February 2012

Mardy Bum.....

Im in a bit of a mood today and I have no idea why :( That is one thing that amazes me about men, they are the same all the time, every day.
It requires something external to come along and piss them off for their mood to change. Why cant women be like that??? No Fair!!! Why do we always get the raw deal? Personally, I would love to know I'm going to wake up in a good mood everyday (I'm sure my husband would too!) but that just doesn't happen. It seems like the slightest thing can upset me. Something so small that even I know, at the back of my mind, I'm being ridiculous! I wish I had some control over it but at the moment I don't feel that I do. I feel really sorry for my long suffering husband, who somehow manages to put up with all this crap and still look forward to spending another day with me.... Nutter!!

I also wondered if there is a special breeding programme for kids TV presenters? They are a category all of their own. How can they be so damn happy every day? They can't all be on drugs! Maybe, they just have one good day a week and go for it. They record a whole series of really happy shows on that day then return to normality for the rest of the week. AND why do they always write the songs with those annoying tunes that stick in your head for months? As soon as your brain switches to idle mode there it is, ready at a moments notice to fill your head with crazy lyrics and bouncy tune. With perfect timing so you look a complete idiot in the middle of Tesco as you absent mindedly start humming along. "Meet the Veggies, we're the Veggies, they grow here in my nursereeeeeeee!"  ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!! Thanks a lot Mr Bloom!!

I really need to make more of an effort to get out of the house before my brain totally disintegrates. I had every intention of going to town today but now today is here I really don't want to. Some times I wonder if I have agoraphobia. I suppose as it's just a more specific type of anxiety. I have written a shopping list for when Captain Chaos wakes up. I'm going to really try to go, even if its one shop. I have only been out twice this week so I'm due another visit to the world out there! Monday I walked the dog with the boys AND stopped at the Post Office to send a parcel to my friend. That involved talking to 3 people I didn't know, get me! (ha, sounds pathetic doesn't it?) I was quite pleased (and shattered) by the time I got home.
Yesterday we had to go and pick the car up from the train station. I'm not sure this counts as going out as I got out of one car into another and drove home again. No talking to anyone or anything. Not such a mammoth achievement as Monday but I still went out :)
Today I have to go and get my son from school and I have to see the Dr later. I'm not looking forward to that really. It's hard enough talking to strangers but it's even worse if you have to talk about yourself!! I have written a list of my symptoms so hopefully I wont have to talk too much. I have started stammering and gasping if I get too stressed which isn't pretty lol but so far only at home. Probably because I dont go out if I'm that bad!!

Ok, I really should do something else now. I set myself 1 task a day (so its manageable and I don't feel like a failure if I don't do it) and today's task is to clean the bathroom... YaY!! It was really Mondays job but the walk finished me off so its been bumped to today. Chaos is still asleep so I might just go for it..... See ya

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