Monday 12 March 2012

Monday again.... (day 12)

Where to start....

My mate came up on Saturday as planned. We went into town after picking him up from the station. I wanted to buy a new top for me and get some photos done. I decided to put an album together for my friend who is leaving for Cyprus. I was fine going round town, even though it was Saturday! I even managed a weekly shop in Asda without panicking, which was definitely progress for me.

The afternoon seemed to fly by and it was time to get ready to go. I was feeling quite nervous by the time we left. I was shaking driving to her house. Its crazy really seeing as I've known her for so long. I think it was the though of socializing with people I didn't know and I still felt bad for asking if I could bring someone else. I needn't have worried! She was fabulous as always and didn't mind a bit that he came. It was great to see a few familiar faces and I really enjoyed catching up with them. We had some Chilli which was fantastic! I must ask her for the recipe... At 9pm the taxi arrived and the girls headed off into town while we headed towards home. I was feeling quite tired by this point, given that I'm usually fast asleep on the sofa by 8pm!! I was really looking forward to getting home, snuggling up to my husband and feeling very pleased with myself for making it out of the house at all. Instead, somehow, we ended up heading into town...

We met the girls at the pub where they were just finishing their drinks as it was closing early for some reason. We made our way to another pub which served cocktails and spent a few hours there. I was a bit nervous to start with and felt totally out of place. It was awful walking through town as I felt like people were staring at me. It was worse as we looked for a table in the pub but once we sat down I relaxed a lot and enjoyed it. I had my camera so took a few photos of the drunkards ha ha! They were going on to a club after that so we headed home. I was totally shattered and had to pop into McDonalds for a cup of tea to revive me before we left! It was so nice to get home to my wonderful man. The first thing I did was curl up next to him on the sofa. We didn't stay up long, I was shattered and his eyes were really bloodshot from lack of sleep.

Sunday was quite crazy. My husbands little brother had stayed Saturday night so we had quite a houseful! We got chaos to bed about 10am and I took the dog out round the block with my friend. She loved it, we haven't played stick with her in ages. She was totally worn out and gave up chasing the stick so we walked back. My father in law popped in to say hi and have a cup of tea. It was nice to see him as we don't see him that often. Shortly after he left my Dad turned up to fix the Big Ones bike as the bearings have gone. He wasn't allowed to stay long as Mum wanted him home by 1pm. We had to whizz up to the station so my mate could get his train back to London. We made it as the train arrived so we were quite lucky. When I got home my husband took his brother home.
Just us again! We took the boys and the dog for a quick walk round the block before dinner. Chaos did really well and walked up quite a long, steep hill. He had a quick go on the swings with both of us then sat in the buggy on the way home.

I gave Squish his milk and a bath then settled him into his cot. I thought I would lie down on our bed while he settled to sleep. I woke up at 11.50pm! I must have needed the sleep. I came down and had a sandwich then went back to bed. I slept like a log until 4am when Squish stirred. I gave him his dummy and he went back to sleep until 6.30am. Chaos woke up then too so I had to get up!

After breakfast I took the boys and the dog round the field to have a run and play stick. It was really nice playing with the dog. I haven't done that in ages and I used to do it every  day. It just makes me realise how many things I used to do that I don't bother doing any more. I want to start taking the dog out every day again. Will have to think of some places to go that are buggy friendly so we dont get bored. Chaos is starting to want to walk a bit too now so will have to bear that in mind too.

That brings us pretty much up to date. (I am hastily typing while the boys are asleep.) I think the near narcoleptic tiredness is wearing off a bit. I feel a bit tired today but I'm sure that's down to the weekend. I'm not getting quite so hot at night now but I still have the cold sweat in the morning when I get up. I'm ok after I've taken my tablet though. Eating before taking the tablet is doing the trick as I don't feel sick at all now.

As the boys are still sleeping I think I might try to have a sneaky nap too so I can keep up with them!
Until tomorrow.. Stay out of the shadows!

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