Monday 26 March 2012

Monday is a Fun-day! Day 26

I'm trying to be positive, can you tell?? I'm going to pretend that I'm not completely shattered and on the down slide again, just to see if it works. If it's all in the mind it should be a doddle I reckon, as there is not much else going on up there at the moment ha ha!!
So better get you up to speed...

Saturday was a bit rough. I was totally shattered from Fridays trip and being up with Squish for 2 hours in the night. The Big One wanted to go and see his mates so I took him over to drop him off and dropped some rubble off at the dump on my way home. We didn't really do much else other than go for a walk in the afternoon.
My husband was working in the evening so I did some ironing and watched sport relief. That show does so much to raise money and awareness but it's also heart breakingly sad to watch. So many of the children are the same age as mine and it's almost too much to watch what these families have to go through. I cried several times and defy any parent not to do the same. I realise a lot of money was raised but I wish I could do more. I've been to Africa and it is an eye opening experience you don't forget. Maybe I will try to plan a fund raising event or two before next year.
I think the true hero of the show was John Bishop. If you didn't see his documentary on his week from hell,get on iplayer and watch it. I would be very surprised if you didn't text to sponsor him by the end of it! He is amazing and I take my hat off to him. To push himself to that extreme shows what determination and focus he has. Unbelievable! He is absolutely right when he says, it is the people who have seen him that will pick up the phone and donate. They have seen what he's going through to raise this money. It occurred to me the other day that people will happily give money to watch other people suffer in aid of a good cause. Therefore if I am going to raise a lot of money for Comic Relief next year I'm going to have to do something quite outstanding or unusual. Thinking caps on! Any ideas welcome folks.

Sunday was also quite tough as I had even less sleep AND the clocks went forward! My husband got in about 3.30am and I was asleep on the sofa. Squish woke up shortly after going to bed so my husband fed him as he was still awake. All the boys were up by 7.30 so I took them all downstairs so my husband could have a lie in. They made so much noise that he was up an hour later!
The rest of the day was rather domestic with washing and shopping done. A few trips to the dump with more rubble from the path and some old clothes. The Big One went to his Dads in the afternoon and we went to the park for a game of chase Chaos til he's tired and sticky stick with the dog. I love being out in the sunshine, it makes everything feel ok again (until I have to come in!)

So, here we are at Monday.
I took the boys and dog to the park after breakfast for a quick run around. It obviously did the trick as Chaos is still asleep now nearly 3 hours later (famous last words...). My Dad popped over to have a cuppa and see how I'm getting on. We had just sat down with tea when he was summoned back to the homestead for extra duties. Poor chap! It was great to see him and have a child free chat for a change. He brought over some huge buckets to help us shift the rubble and swapped it for a few full bags to take to the dump, what a star!

We are going for a bar-b-q with the Corporal after getting the Big One from school. It will be great to see her and apologize properly for having a crisis and legging it on Friday! My husband is meeting us there (not one to miss a barbie!). I really must go and wash my hair before we go though, it looks awful today. I hope I can do it before the boys wake up. The clock is ticking so wish me luck!

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