Tuesday 6 March 2012

Struggling on day 6

I'm really struggling today. I'm not feeling too anxious about things today which is great. The problem is I feel totally shattered all the time. If I sit down for more than 5 minutes I start to fall asleep. It's like I have to fight to stay awake all the time.
I've also had a real thumping headache for most of the day. It's been a niggle for the last 2 days but it turned into a corker today. I hope these side effects wear off as I don't think I can cope if I have to take these things for any length of time. I have to take them for another 2 weeks before I go back to the Doctors so I'll give it until then.

Other than that I've had quite a nice day. I took the boys and met up with a friend and her son. We had a walk round a local park then stopped at a cafe for tea and cake (a necessity!). It was great to see her and to have a grown up conversation for a change. I do worry if I'm going to forget how to hold a conversation sometimes. I already struggle to concentrate in long conversations now as I've got so used to them being interrupted by one of the boys! We went over to my parents for lunch before I had to get the Big One from school. I haven't seen them for a while so it was nice to catch up. Captain Chaos behaved himself too which was a great relief! He had some chicken and veg for his lunch specially cooked by his Grandad. I think the walk gave him an appetite. Might try that again tomorrow.

Squishy has got his 2nd lot of jabs tomorrow. I hate taking him but I realise it's necessary. I'm not sure what Chaos will make of someone sticking needles in his little brother though. He got really upset whenever he's come to appointments with me and they have had to do something. He didn't even like it when we went to have the scan of Squish when I was pregnant! He looked daggers at the Sonographer! I hope he will be ok because I won't be able to hold him if I've got Squish on my lap.
Sometimes the simplest things are so bloody difficult with two. My ongoing problem is getting the boys and the buggy to and from the car ( we live on a green so the car isn't outside the house) bearing in mind Squish is in his car seat. Who do you take? Who do you leave? Argghhhh! Nothing seems straightforward anymore!!
I shall let you know what happens tomorrow but for now I'm off to bed. I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

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