Wednesday 7 March 2012

A Whole Week.....

Wow what a night. I thought I'd be really sensible and go to bed at 9.30pm I slept like a log for two hours then kept waking up almost every hour.
My husband checked on the boys at 12.30 then came to bed about 1am. Squishy was moaning about 2.30 but woke up properly about 3am. I fed him and put him back to bed but he was chatting away for ages so I didn't get back to sleep til gone 4am, only to be woken again by The Captain at 5.30! Needless to say I was a little tired by then. I must admit I was a bit annoyed with my husband too. I don't have a problem with him staying up but it does get to me if he is then too tired to help with the boys. It seems that whenever I go to bed early to get more sleep somehow I always seem to end up getting less!

It was a bit of a rush this morning as I had to take the Big One to school so we all had to be ready and out of the house by 8.10am. We were all in the car by 8.15 and he got to school on time so mission accomplished!! Hurrah! The little ones were both asleep so I took the long way round to the hospital for Squishys jabs. I bumped into our health visitor who said she would get her colleague to give me a ring, as she is leaving tomorrow  to work in another town. Its a shame as she was lovely. She said I should try to get Chaos out to the local toddler group so that he can burn off some of his energy and interact with other kids. I know she is right so I will get myself together for next Tuesday and take him. I've been once before and it is a really nice friendly little group.

I feel really cold today. My headache has completely gone which is great. I'm wondering if it's because I have been drinking coffee to overcome this tiredness from the tablets. I haven't had coffee today so maybe that was it. Will see what happens tomorrow. I have been drinking a lot of tea instead so that could be why I'm not falling asleep all over the place today!

Another one of my dilemmas is fast approaching. It's nearly time to get the Big One from school and Chaos is still asleep. Do I wake him up and have an afternoon of hell or let him sleep and be late to school?  Squish Pot needs feeding too. Do they co-ordinate these things in the morning to test me? Maybe they have midnight cot meetings with the Big One as chairman ha ha! It seems like it some days as they all make their demands at the same time. Ah well, that's how it goes sometimes I guess.

The car is having an MOT tomorrow in another town. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the boys while it's being done. If the weather is nice we can go to the park but if it's raining we're screwed!! I just hope it passes as we have only just got it. I know there are some things that need doing but I don't think they are tested for the MOT. Must take the air freshener off the mirror too!

Squish is hungry so have to go. It's sunny so top up your Serotonin and stay out of the shadows!!

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