Sunday 22 April 2012

Bittersweet Sunday Day 51

Today is a big day for my little Squish pants. For the first time EVER he rolled over on to his tummy all by himself! Me and my husband were both there to see it and gave him lots of encouragement and a huge cheer when he made it over. We are so proud of him, our clever little bean!

Did you just see that?! 
I can't help feeling a little sad though. Having watched the other two grow up so fast I want him to slow down. I know I can't change it but it's going to go in a flash and I want to make the most of every second. I didn't feel like this with the others, probably because they weren't the "last" one. We aren't having anymore. As much as we love them, we more than have our hands full and know we have reached our limit. So, no, we won't keep going til we have a girl. Yes, three is an odd number and we like it. No, no-one will get left out. Sorry, rant over!

He is so lovely with his crazy hair and his huge smile. He is delicious! He loves his new teether too (the pink and yellow bobbly thing in the photo) although maybe I should have thought about the colour! He doesn't mind and chews away at it like mad, grinning at me between the bobbles.

We had an hour out in the garden before Chaos went to bed. He loves it out there and was playing with the dog.


They get on so well, it's really cute. She is so patient with him, she is my girl in a million!
We did some more digging where the trampoline is going to go and laid some more turf. Squish pot woke up then so we all came in. I might go back out later when Chaos gets up and do some more.

Monday tomorrow so time to get Motivated once again! Make my day and join the hop. Go on... you know you want to!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh bless! Isaac manages front to back, but is far too lazy to attempt back to front. How awesome you were both there- I don't think my partner and I have both been at any of his big milestones since his birth!
    Ooh- and in response to your comment earlier, if you fancy joining me I would love the company :D xx


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