Friday 20 April 2012

WooooHaaaaa! Get me!! Day 49

Guess who just went to the village playgroup all on her lonesome?? (well, with the boys obviously otherwise it would I would just be a weirdo!) Oh yesss -ME!!! AND I told some of the Mums that I had PND which is why I hadn't emerged before now. You wouldn't believe the looks on their faces....

They gave me that understanding, you too? look. They were all so lovely, I felt like I'd known them for ages. I will definitely be going back on Weds. Chaos loved it but totally wore himself out. He fell asleep on my shoulder when we got home and he hasn't done that since he was a tiny baby!! Squishy's eyes were on stalks for a while so it soon got too much for him and he fell asleep. Everyone commented on how confident Chaos was for his first time although I wasn't surprised to be honest. He'd walk up and take the crown off the Queen if he met her!

One of the other ladies said she had PND and the group had really helped her once she found the courage to go. Her friend had kept on at her so she gave in in the end. She said I was obviously doing really well, especially to come on my own. To be honest I didn't give it a second thought which has to be a good thing. I didn't feel at all worried about going or anxious about meeting new people. It is great but after stressing about these things for so long I still find it amazing that it seems to have stopped all of a sudden. Long may it last I say!

Yesterday afternoon I took Chaos down to have him weighed at the Children's Center. Luckily the Nursery Nurse who came out on Wednesday was there and she was really pleased we made it. Chaos has only put on 1oz in the last 2 weeks. Although I wasn't initially worried about him, I am now starting to get a little concerned as the health visitor has made such a big deal about it. The biggest problem is he wont eat if he's tired but he sleeps over lunchtime so I have to do the school run by the time he wakes up. I'm not sure yet how to get round it but I'm trying more activity combined with an early lunch. That was the idea today but he was shattered   after playgroup so didn't eat anyway. Pah, kids... who'd have 'em?! It's early days though so I'm hoping his appetite might increase as we start doing a bit more.

Anyway, husband is working so thought I'd iron his shirts so he doesn't have to Sunday night. Also sounds like Squish is awake. No rest for the wicked....

Have a great weekend x


  1. Oh Kat, that's fabulous news! I've yet to show at the local playgroup as I too have PND and am just too frightened. This has really helped- it's inspiring, and might just be the push I need to know that other women are in the same position as me... After months of feeling so alone I can't begin to tell you how thankful I am for your blog, have a wonderful weekend xxx

    1. Do you know, this is the most wonderful comment I have had as this is the reason I started blogging in the first place. I felt so alone and was sure there must be others like me. It has made my whole year that in whatever small way it has made a difference *dances madly round the room* Thank you so much! Have a fantastic weekend and I'm always here if you want a natter (even on your crap days!). Big hugs Lady, you'll make it too! :) xxxxx


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