Monday 23 April 2012

Motivation on Monday #4

Motivation on Monday at Kat Sighs

Photo from "Inspiration Quotes" on Facebook

Since having PND I feel like I have been aimlessly wandering along just trying to make it through each hour, let alone each day. I am starting to look beyond that now and feel like I need something to aim for. I don't want to aimlessly wander any more. I need to work out where I am going and make a plan. 

I am going to do a skydive later in the year for the charity MIND. I am also going to raise money for Unicef by setting myself other challenges which will require me to get fit. I intend to start my plan this week so fingers crossed!

What plans do you have that have got you motivated? Is there anything you really want to do but keep putting it off? Share some motivational love and join the hop! 


  1. How sky dive! How brave and fun! At the moment just blogging, receiving feedback and reading posts by amazing women life yourself keeps me motivated. Fight a good fight.

    I start my PND support group tomorrow, but the date wrong and turned up today one day early, lol. Talk about being motivated and proactive. Thankfully a play group was on and we were allowed to stay so both myself and my son had a chance to 'settle' into the new environment.

    1. Good luck for your group tomorrow. I wish we had one here, it would be such a help. At least you both had a great morning so your eagerness was rewarded!
      I always say there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity and I tend to walk that line so throwing myself out of a plane.... you decide. I'll let you know what I decide after I've done it ha ha!!


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