Thursday 19 April 2012

Hey Hey, It's Thursday! R2BC#5 Day 48

Well, here I was trying to decide on a title for today's post when I realised it's Thursday and we all know what that means!! Time to link up with the lovely Michelle over at Mummy From The Heart for the #R2BC Blog Hop.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Despite us all being hit by a rather nasty cold I am determined not to loose my new found positive outlook so here are my reasons this week, in no particular order.

We have made some great progress in the garden and it is starting to take a bit more shape. I can picture where I want different plants to be and I have a really great vision of what it will look like finished.... I think!

My friends have reminded me of something very important. That they are like stars.... I might not always be able to see them but they are always there. When I do see them I am reminded of just how beautiful they all are (possibly wrong choice of word for you, Noodle, but you catch my drift! x )

I am very pleased that it hasn't rained for at least an hour so the waterlogged ground gets a chance to dry out in the howling gale!

I am so very pleased that for once it is not Chaos that is ill! May sound odd but he seems to get everything and is incredibly hard work when he does. It may only be a matter of time but for now, while I feel rough, I am very, VERY grateful.

I think possibly my biggest reason this week is feeling "normal". I only realised it after writing yesterdays post. I have had a whole day without a shadow in sight, without thinking at some point "when will I be ok?". Even taking my pills didn't make me feel crap for needing drugs to get through the day without an "episode". This has to be a mile stone or a corner turned or maybe just a wonderfully "normal" day. Either way it has been noted and I hope to feel like this for as long as possible!

Thanks for reading, now scribble down your reasons and join the hop so we can all share the cheer. Then I can be nosy and mooch around your blog! :) Big love and see ya all soon xx


  1. What a lovely positive post! Hooray for feeling normal and long may it continue! Hugs xx

  2. Love the description for your friends, that makes them sound even more special xXx

  3. What a lovely sentiment towards your friends, i too am blessed with incredible friends and family. Be lost without them. xx

  4. I hope you get many many more "normal" days x Going to have a read of your blog now :)

  5. Hooray for "normal" I find being positive really helps :-)

  6. :0) Welcome to the 'normal' life. Enjoy.

    It's distressing when you're little one is ill, her's hoping that Captain Chaos and Chaos look after you and spoil you. Have a good weekend :0)

  7. Hurrah for your normal feeling day. Never feel bad about taking those pills if it is what your body needs. We wouid never dream of denying the kids calpol when they are poorly and it is just the same. Mich x


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