Wednesday 18 April 2012

A "Normal" Day! Day 47

I have had a pretty productive day today even though I have been struck by a yucky cold. Little Squish is suffering too, bless him. He has done the sensible thing and just slept through the day other than waking up for milk. Chaos had a half hour cry when he woke up for some reason but has otherwise been fine and up to his usual tricks. The Big One is  also very bunged up and is sporting a very sore, red nose, poor lad.

Chaos got me up at 6 for some juice so I got on with the mountain of washing up straight away. When my husband came down, I went for a shower in the hope of relieving my airways. By 8am it was just me and the boys. Squish didn't get up until 9 by which time I had sorted a load of washing out, brushed all the hair off the big rug, hoovered downstairs and the dog bed. Shaken the dog duvet outside and put the rubbish out. Squish had a bottle and went straight back to sleep so I got our wellies on and we went into the garden. Chaos was busy organising the gravel on the path while I lay the turf where our path used to be. It has covered almost half of it and looks quite good. I just really hope it takes and grows well. I have no idea how to cut or lay turf really so I hope I did ok! Time will tell I guess.

We came in for a well earned drink and a biscuit after that. Squish woke up as soon as the tea was poured so I put Chaos up for his sleep and brought Squishpot down with me. We had a visit from a nursery nurse (arranged by THAT health visitor) and she was lovely! I explained the situation with Chaos and she listened without butting in. She gave me some really good suggestions and is going to come back in two weeks with some more meal ideas for him. She even offered to come with me to the playgroup the first few times if I was nervous about going on my own. A very lovely lady!

I have to get Chaos weighed again and the session is on at the childrens center tomorrow. I think I will see how we all are before I commit to going. Last time we went we had to keep the door shut as Chaos kept trying to escape and push past people as they came in. If Squish hadn't done a vile nappy I would have been able to grab him. Still, we made a lasting first impression that day and kept the other Mums entertained!! If I feel any worse tomorrow I certainly wont be up to herding up Chaos.

On that note I think I might head off to read a few of your wonderful blogs with my cuppa before toddling up to bed. Night night x


  1. Morning! This is good to read! Really nice to see you having a few good days and I hope they stretch into weeks and forever!! Hope your cold is better soon - I'm a disgusting snot monster at the moment ( probably too much info there ...) Take care. Sarah x

    1. Thanks Sarah! It was only once I had written this post that I realised it was just a normal day. No weird feelings or anxiety, nothing. Such a huge relief. Fingers crossed it lasts :) Hope your Booger monster packs up and leaves you very soon! Big hugs, Kat x


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