Thursday 19 April 2012

Proud Mummy Moment #1

I have found a new linky blog hop through reading Ready Steady Mummy's blog. It is hosted every Thursday by Emmy Mom and I think it is a fantastic idea so this week I have decided to share my proud moment...

As you may know we have all been feeling a bit grotty here over the last few days with a rotten cold. Usually, I get up with Chaos and make him warm juice and me a cup of life preserving tea. Today, I was given the luxury of an extra hour in bed this morning when my husband got up with Captain Chaos. When I did groggily stagger down the stairs and flop into the arm chair, my little Chaos looked at me and said " Mummy, tea."

While this may sound like a small thing, it is quite monumental as it is the first time Chaos has strung two actual words together! He has always amazed me by how much he understands. He is picking words up so fast now that I can't remember them all. Some days he will repeat up to 5 words and still remember them the next day. For 18 months I think that's pretty bloomin' amazing.

Cheeky little Captain Chaos


  1. Oh wow, what a clever boy! You wait until the sentences start :D He's adorable by the way- looks a cheeky chap! x

  2. That is awesome and definitely something to be proud of. It is amazing how quickly they catch on to things. So glad you linked up! I am your newest follower.

  3. Aww how sweet. I think first words and phrases are brilliant. Great pic of him he's adorable!

    My is 17mths and his clearest words are 'No' and Dada' but he understands so much and is able to carry out basic requests. He babbles alot so in the next few months his words will come.

  4. He's adorable!! What an awesomely proud mommy moment.

    Thanks for linking up with Emmy and me!


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