Friday 13 April 2012

A Lovely Day...... Day 42

Today has been lovely. We have spent nearly the whole day in the garden and it is starting to take shape. It looks like someone cares about it now which is good. I can't wait until we can spend time playing out there when all the work is done. Really I am just enjoying having a garden again after 5 years without one!

My Dad came over with his lawn mower this morning so the Big One set to and cut the grass. It looks so much tidier now. It smell gorgeous too! We had put all the poles for the trampoline up the top of the garden to give us an idea or where it can go. We found a good spot and the Big One put all the poles together with a bit of help from Chaos.

I made the most of having Dad over and took some rubble to the dump. My Gran has recently moved into a local home so I popped in to see her. I don't see her as much as I would like as Chaos is a nightmare in small spaces decorated with breakable things! I also managed to grab a bit of shopping as we seem to be running out of things all at once.

Dad had to go soon after I got back so we all headed back out into the garden. I started turning over the soil where the path had been, ready to lay some grass. The Big One started taking the turf up under the trampoline. Chaos pottered about with a little spade and Squish supervised us all from the comfort of my fleece!

This is our progress so far. I think we have done really well. I am really looking forward to getting out there and doing some more tomorrow. That must be a good sign. I haven't looked forward to anything for ages!!
On that note I shall leave you for some much needed sleep (before Squish wakes up again). Here is a little heart warming picture that I love.  It makes me feel so proud of my boys....  Brotherly love :)  x

The Big One and Little Chaos


  1. Its great to have your own patch of green. Trampolines are fun, never been on myself but I love to see kids on it. You garden will help you get through the challenging days. Enjoy :0)

  2. Lovely! My garden gives me great enjoyment and I recently took on an allotment - the perfect place to escape to and pretend I'm working!! So glad you are feeling better.Hope your weekend went well too (its Monday now)Take care. Sarah x


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