Thursday 5 April 2012

Reasons To Be Cheerful #3

 I'm really struggling to be cheerful this week. My PND has made a surprise attack so the Dr has increased the dose as I shouldn't be feeling so low after this long. I feel like I have let everyone down. I wasn't going to bother doing this post this week but for fear of slipping into a miserable/guilt ridden vicious circle, I'm here and I'm damn well gonna be cheerful!!
I would also like to thank Fay for being this weeks host over at Glass Half Full   x
So now I'm sitting here wondering what to put. Trying to think happy thoughts... Erm.... Ouch, this is really tough.
Not many people know this (actually, no one knows!) but when I feel really bad (PND/Anxious) my mind goes blank, I stammer and get my words mixed up so I think in pictures. It's so much easier as I can just see things and I don't have to think. This weeks post will be my cheerful pictures, the things I see when I feel like poo. Enjoy..... x

My Girl

Squish. How can he not make you smile?!

This makes me laugh so much, I love it! 


My Boys

Tiny Squish and Happy Chaos
Sharing a joke
My Favourite Photo of My Gorgeous Man x

Captain Chaos!


  1. Thanks for joining in Kat, I love the fact you've used photos, an inspired idea!

    I thinking taking the time to sort through and find a few gems in a dusty week can sometimes help. Take easy, bee kind to yourself and you aren't letting anyone down.

    How about this week you make it a little project to take more photos of stuff around you that you share for next week too?

    1. Thanks Fay. I might just do that! Pictures are so much nicer to look at and I love taking them. Maybe I could do a picture post each week with a different theme... Oooh the possibilities are endless. Thanks for the inspiration! Hope you have another toptastic week too xxx

  2. I agree with Fay - super photos and you aren't letting anyone down! Some days its like wading through treacle. I love your pics - your eldest looks a lot like my eldest son - what good looking boys!! Big hugs hun. Sarah xxx

    1. Thanks Sarah. They are very good looking boys (guess which one knows it?!) but I'm biased of course. I'm not a fan of treacle so I'm hoping it goes elsewhere soon! Kat xx

  3. Good on your for posting and with all those happy photos, even though you may not feel it right now, its clear that there wonderful events in your life. You will smile again, believe that.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed them. The Big One and Squish is my favourite, I can't look at it without smiling :)
      Hope you and your tigers have a great Easter too xx

  4. fabulous photos - made me smile :-) hope that PND takes a hike x

    1. Thank you! Excellent :) Me too!! Happy Easter x

  5. Gorgeous pictures, you have very handsome boys and I love the snowy picture! I agree with Fay that using the photos was a brilliant idea as looking back at happy times always makes us feel better and happier. Hope the new dose helps and you can kick the PND into touch. Don't worry about letting everyone down, you haven't! PND and Depression isn't something to feel guilty about and more people than you realise suffer from it. It's just a sign that you've been strong for too long and you can recover from it, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will feel stronger for beating it!

    1. Thank you Rachel. I'm so glad I started blogging. I realise now I'm not alone and it makes such a difference to have a few words of encouragement from people who know what I'm going through. I can't believe how many people are affected by some sort of depression, it's depressing in itself! Have a great Easter and thank for stopping by x


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