Monday 9 April 2012

Slightly More Motivated Monday! Day 38

Today started rather earlier than I would have liked but the boys decided 6.30am was a long enough lie in! I left my husband sleeping as he is shattered after working 2 nights this weekend (although I am struggling to find any sympathy for him as he didn't have to do both!). I have made a few decisions today. I have also drawn up a plan. I shall explain....

This is all down to the Motivation on Monday quote. It's about time I stopped sitting about and started doing something constructive. I'm sure it will help me feel better as long as I take it slowly and don't over do it too soon! As you may have read in my previous posts I want to raise money for the charities MIND (for more information Click Here) and Unicef ( for more information Click Here). I have decided to set myself a challenge and when I talked to my husband about it he said he would like to join in and do it too.

We are going to do a 10,000ft Freefall, a 5km run and swim a mile. We are also going to cycle and kayak but have yet to decide where and how far. I did send off for some information about the freefall but haven't received it yet so I will call them tomorrow. Today I have sat down and searched the web for a training guide to running 5km. I have also looked at the local pools and found a few sessions to attend for some practice. I can go in the mornings (stupidly early!) and my husband can go on his way home in the evening. We can all go at the weekends which will be great fun.

My next job is to try to sort out what we are eating. Usually my husband does the cooking, love him! Unless we make a plan in advance we all end up eating different things or meals get missed and it's all a bit messy. I am going to work out some healthy grub that is yummy and plan a menu. I have had a quick look through the Meal Planning Monday blog hop over At Home With Mrs M for a few ideas and will take a closer look when I have a bit more time. I will have to do that before I go shopping so during morning sleep tomorrow is looking good.

So that's my training schedule and meal planner sorted. I also thought maybe I should assign an area to each day of the week as there are so many things to do. For example, Monday could be housework. Oh god, NO! I'd want to throw myself out of the window before I even got up in the morning!! (Maybe Monday will be reserved for something special, like sitting on my arse eating bags of jellies!) I could have a day for house work, a day for the garden, a day for decorating and two days for going out visiting friends or play groups *gasps* or something instead of play groups then. Now, I'm not saying one day a week I'm going to clean the house from top to bottom, do all the washing and scrub the skirting boards (it would take months for a start!) What I mean is on that selected day I will do jobs under that heading depending on how I am that day. If it's a gardening day I might just clear up after the dog or if I feel ok I could do a bit of digging or move some rubble. I just thought if each day had a theme I might look forward to things more, rather than getting up every day and I see all the housework that needs doing. It will be great to get up and say "Fuck it, today is a visiting day!"

It will be great if all these ideas work. If they don't I will just have to tweak them a bit. On that note my lovely blogger buddies, I am off to bed. Yes, before midnight!  First day of running tomorrow. Aaaarrrrggghhhh!  Also meal planning and shopping so really gonna need my beauty sleep (I'm starting to resemble Steve Tyler with the grey and no tan, ugh!)

Take care folks and mind them there shadows now ya hear?!

I thought I would leave you with these photos of our little Captain Chaos with and without his curls. We decided we couldn't take any more "isn't she pretty" comments so cut it off today. He looks so much older with short hair (these were taken two weeks apart.) but I do miss his soft little curls...


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