Tuesday 10 April 2012

Totally Tired Tuesday Day 39

Bit of a change today. Had a pretty tough night with the boys. They decided to take it in turns waking up and wanting milk or cuddles from 4:30am onwards. I did manage to go to bed before midnight... Just! So I managed a whole four hours sleep WOOOHOOOOO!!! No wonder I feel a bit pooped to say the least.
Mind you I haven't given up on my themed jobs. Today I have washed up, put some washing on, changed the bedding on all beds, re-made the boys beds, collected another load of washing and hoovered the bedroom and landing. While I think of it, why is it only mens socks that produce tons of sock fluff?? My socks are very well behaved but my husbands spew out tons of the stuff and it's a nightmare to hoover up! 

Chaos has only just gone to bed so I don't think I'm going to get much shopping done today after all. I might get to plan the meals for the week and write a list if I'm lucky. I might just say sod it and have a sleep if Squishy lets me. He seems to have a lot to say today so I wont hold my breath.

My husband got his Unicef information pack through about the skydive today. It feels like we are a step closer to making it happen now. I have no idea how we are going to raise £400 each though! I'm sure we will manage it somehow. We will each have a fund raising web page so I will post the links on here once they are up and running. It would be great if you could advertise the pages for us or even better, sponsor us in aid of these great charities.

Even though I have done quite a lot today I am feeling pretty fed up. I suppose I'm still disappointed I'm going to spend my birthday without my husband. I keep saying I'll be on my own which gives the impression I don't want to be alone. Actually, if I can't spend it the way I want I would rather be on my own with the boys. I realise that sounds a bit spoilt/diva-ish. That isn't how I mean it. I thought I would be spending the day with my husband, which is all I wanted to do, so anything else is just passing the day if that makes sense? No, still sounds spoilt ha ha! Never mind, nothing I can do about it so the less said the better.

I might have an easter egg and plan the meals for the week to take my mind off it. Hmmm... Squish has just fallen asleep so I might do the same! Either way, catch you tomorrow x

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