Sunday 27 May 2012

26 and 27 May Blog Challenge

An Old Photo Of Me....

I am at a family gathering this weekend. They don't happen often as it is the whole of my Dads side of the family! My cousin organised a quiz of who's who in baby photos! A brilliant idea and had everyone crowded round the board offering trades on inside tips, hilarious! The great news is I won with 25 out of 25 so I am now the proud owner of a box of Celebrations.

I thought it would be quite fitting to share the photo of me that my Dad entered. I think I was about 7 weeks old.

My Favourite Recipe...

My Mum used to make Chocolate Biscuit Cake when we were kids. She only made it occasionally as we used to sneak down and pinch bits from the tray (maybe that was just me!) so it only lasted a couple of days. I found out once I left home that it is more commonly known as Tiffin. I don't have my Mums recipe to hand so I have found one on the net and will include all the yummies that she used to. Hope you like it as much as we did!

Put all these in a bowl or pan and microwave or heat on hob for a couple of mins, to melt:

100g butter/hard marg (not low-fat, as it won't set)
25g soft brown sugar
3 tbsp cocoa
4 tbsp golden syrup
Then add:

225g crushed digestive biscuits
150g raisins or sultanas
Some chopped glace cherries
Desiccated coconut

Mix well.

Press into a 20cm square greased tin. 

Melt 225g milk/plain chocolate, pour on top and smooth over mixture (optional).

Mark into squares and chill in fridge for an hour or so before cutting.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, that looks yummy. I think I will have to have a go at that! x


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