Friday 4 May 2012

May 4 Blog Challenge

This post contains a spider image

Today is all about what I am afraid of.

Initially I thought "oh, that's a short post, spiders". I can't stand them! I thought the spiders here were bad until I went to South Africa and was introduced to Rain Spiders (so called because they come in from the rain - lovely, yes? NO!) I also had a button spider (African equivalent of a black widow!) living under the toilet cistern. I didn't realise thats what it was for several days. I could have died ha ha!
I think I developed this fear when I was a teenager and woke up one night to find a rather large house spider casually wandering across my face UGH!!! Still makes me shudder now. Up until then they never bothered me at all. I'm ok now as long as they don't move but their legs scuttling about makes my skin crawl.

I was really brave once and held a Tarantula. They are so big it wasn't like a spider (luckily it didn't move either!)

I thought about it more through the day and realised the real thing I'm afraid of is something happening to my boys or my husband. If anything happened to any of them I really don't know what I would do. I thought pnd was bad but how would you get through each day? I just couldn't bear it, the pain would be too great. I'm almost in tears just thinking about it!

Really, on a serious note, my greatest fear is running out of JELLIES!! (spoken like a true addict!)

Being someone who suffers with Anxiety, I could write a massive list here! When it is really bad, everything terrifies me. Noises, people, the phone, going out, anything unexpected, almost everything really. I have just mentioned my real fear I have, which is the safety of my family. I guess that goes for everyone though really.


  1. Oh gosh i had to just hide the spider picture far too early bluegh lol
    Anxiety issues are horrible :( i have bad dys that even leaving the house is a chore xxx

    1. Sorry! I did wonder if I should warn people as everyone has mentioned spiders so far. I have put a warning on now. Sorry for the morning shock xx

  2. The spider didn't bother me at all but I agree with your fear of something happening to my husband or daughter x

  3. I used my page down button past the picture. I just hope I didn't miss any of your post! lol. x

  4. I totally now what you mean about being an anxious person. I have so many fears and anxieties that it's hard to even choose one!

  5. THAT is hilarious: "Warning Spider Picture"!! So thoughtful, though!! Funny!

    Have a great day!

    Vicky @ sleeping in an unmade bed

  6. Thank you for warning us about the spider picture! I closed my eyes. :)

    If I woke up with a spider on my face I would freak OUT. My friend just came back from a 3 month training in South America (she's a yoga instructor) and she was told while she was there not to kill the spiders because they kill scorpions. She actually had photos of some of the HUGE spiders on her walls and she named them all (huge lover of nature). I would have DIED. I would not hove gotten a lick of sleep with those giant spiders hanging out on the walls. They were huge!

  7. I agree about the safety of one's family being a big fear -- I didn't include it on my list because I'm almost afraid to write it down for fear of causing something bad to happen -- how's that for being overly anxious -- sigh. I'm a high anxiety person a lot of days also! But spiders were number one of my list for my own blog post for today -- just seeing the photo above made me shudder -- I'm such a whimp -- sigh. :-)

  8. I am so glad you popped a spider warning! Lol. Am such a wuss- but at least I could prepare myself!


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