Friday 4 May 2012

May the Fourth Be With You... Day 63

Being a font of all media trivia, my husband shared this Star Wars greeting with me earlier. I much prefer "thank Crunchie it's Friday" or actually, just Crunchie is even better!

So, what will our weekend have in store for us? Some serious planning and organisation I think. As you all know I am winning the battle against pnd (wooo yeah!) it has been a rough few months and my husband has bent over backwards and been through hell just for lil ol me. In the thick of it all, I hadn't realised what toll it has taken on him or our relationship. We have both been concentrating on me getting better, and it appears, at a cost. Don't panic, I'm not saying we are on the rocks or anything like that! We are still mad.. er.. I mean madly in love :) He is my world, or a large quarter of it, and I wouldn't dream of being without him for a second. Unless he really pisses me off, then I might go out for a few hours jelly shopping!

While we have been getting through each day and coping with my pnd. It seems things have slipped a bit for him. He doesn't sleep well anymore, has trouble concentrating, has a really short fuse, doesn't really engage in conversation, has trouble getting organised, is struggling to cope at home and work. I can't remember the last time he laughed or looked forward to anything. Just out of interest, does this sound familiar to any other pnd sufferers?? Ok I know he's a bloke but I don't see that it's any different for him, apart from the hormones. His world was turned upside down too AND he still has to work every day. At least I can bum about in my pj's if I feel like shit or had a rough night but he has to go out and deal with customers!
He has been to the Drs and was told that he's not depressed but I think he should go back for a second opinion.

So, it seems the tables have turned and now it's my turn to help him. I'm sure we will be back to our old selves soon. I miss him and our crazy days together. It seems like everything has got a bit heavy and serious. Spring is here, the sun is out so we shall clear out the cobwebs and let the fresh air in!

Don't worry, I'll find you
Love you always Mr P x

The best decision I ever made! 


  1. You have described my other half perfectly Kat. Today, poor man, he cried at me and told me he can't cope with living with this 'stranger' I've become. I've seen him cry only 3 times in 6 years, so to know I'm the cause is terrible. We're hoping to work through things and sit down and have some baby free time over the weekend- it's impossible to know how much it hits everything until you have PND isn't it? :(
    Love the photo- made me smile :) x

  2. Oh, also- how have you made your posts all squished on your homepage with just the little 'teaser' type thing? I want to do it as I tend to ramble (see lengthy comments haha) and my blog is getting reeeeeally long x


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