Thursday 3 May 2012

Normal Service Resumes.... Day 62

Howdy Blogland, I'm back!
Well, a whole week of no blogging. Have I missed it? Oh yes indeedy!  Sorry, what? You want to know whats been going on? Oh ok.....

I will start where I left off..
We took Chaos to see the Childrens Nurse last Friday as he was sick as well as having the runs. She couldn't find much else wrong so said it was either teeth or a virus. Throughout the day we kept offering him drinks and food but he wasn't interested. By bedtime I was really worried as he still had the same dry nappy on from the morning. I decided if he hadn't had a wet nappy by the morning I would take him to the hospital or ring NHS direct for help. It was still bone dry when I went to bed so I made him some warm juice. He had a few mouthfuls before pushing it away. I thought if I kept doing that every hour through the night maybe I could keep him hydrated enough to avoid hospital, so that's what I did. Every hour or two I would make him some warm juice and see if he would drink it. I fed Squish at 4.30 then checked on Chaos but his nappy was still dry. I gave him more juice but he only had a mouthful, even though I pleaded for him to have more. I didn't know what else to do. He fell back to sleep instantly. I went back to bed and hoped for a wet nappy, something I never thought I'd do!!

I woke up at 7.30 in a panic. I had overslept and not given Chaos juice for 3 hours! Would he be ok? Why wasn't he awake? I rushed to his room and there he was, sat in his bed playing with Iggle Piggle. The relief!! I scooped him up and hugged him tight. Then I realised, he had a wet nappy! My (almost) bedside vigil had paid off!

He gradually improved over the weekend and Sunday night had downed a roast dinner, 2 yogurts, a tub of custard, some ice cream and 5 oz of milk. He was still asking for more! We haven't looked back. He has just been weighed today and has put on 9oz in spite of being ill. Happy days!

Where was my husband? In Scotland for his brothers 18th birthday. He left on Friday afternoon. I have been in two minds about this, which is why I haven't blogged until now.
On one hand, the trip has been arranged for ages and my husband has had  a lot to cope with lately so could do with a break. On the other hand, his son is quite ill and he says he worries about his wife coping while he's at work. If that's the case how can he go for the weekend??

I'm over it now. I did have the hump with him but what's the point? I actually had a really lovely weekend with the babies (the Big One went to Scotland too) and noticed some changes in them just over the weekend. Chaos can now climb downstairs on his own and repeats so many words it's amazing. Squish has grown out of all his 3-6 month clothes, loves being carried outside and isn't keep on the bottom seat of the buggy anymore. I also managed to get some snore free sleep and an early night!!

This week has been great so far. We have been out in the garden between showers, went out for lunch with a friend and general tidying around the house. The boys have been great although Squish now seems a bit under the weather. He is taking less milk and not sleeping as well, day or night. The nurse said that it may be a sign he's ready to start weaning so we will try him and see what happens.

Babies are awake now so more later. It's nice to be back! x

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Chaos is ok and I hope Squish is ok too and that despite hubby being away and a sick baby you had a good weekend/week


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