Thursday 3 May 2012

Proud Mummy Moments #3

Time to share this weeks proud moments hosted by Emmy Mom and Kmama 

Although he has been ill, little Chaos has been showing what he's made of this week. Just out of interest I wrote down all the new words he is using and it is currently at around 100! He is copying new words every day and it amazes me how quickly he is picking them up. He has also learnt to climb down the stairs on his own. This is a godsend as together Chaos and Squish weigh 3 stone (19kg), which is a lot to lug up and down the stairs!! Dad says if I carry on like that I will have arms like a Russian Shotputter!

We were sent a certificate of attendance from school for the Big One. I realise it is mostly down to us that he gets there on time but I think it is a great incentive. It also shows that the school are taking an active interest in each individual child. 

Squish Pot is still his lovely, delicious self. He is currently rolling on the floor talking to himself  and laughing in his mirror. Beautiful boy! 

They are just too cute!


  1. Great PMM! Your boys are so so cute. And isn't it truly amazing how quickly they learn new words. And yes, definitely brings a peace of mind when they can do the stairs safely- one less thing to worry about.
    Thanks so much for linking up

  2. Sweet pic! These kids are more resilient than we give them credit for some times :0) By the way the Russian Shotputter arms go with the territory lol.


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