Saturday 12 May 2012

Proud Mummy Moments #4

This weeks highlight has to go to little Squish. He has started having some baby porridge and loves it! After the first two days he knew what was coming and started to open his mouth for the spoon. The third day he cried when I took the empty bowl away! I made him a bit more and he gobbled that up with a big satisfied grin.

He is now wearing 9-12 month clothes which I find crazy! He is 5 months old. My little Squishy :)

I really admire his determination to move and feel his frustration when he isn't quite able. I know it will come soon enough but he tries so hard I wish I could help him feel some reward for his effort instead of getting upset. He is so very close and manages to worm his way round the room one way or another. He is developing so fast, faster than the others. I wont have my baby Squish for long. He will soon be toddler Squish. He loves walking already. If we hold under his arms to take most of his weight he's off, with a huge grin! My amazing little man x

These two photo's also make me so proud. My boys are wonderful and I am so truly thankful that they all get on so well. They look out for each other and love spending time together. Long may it last as it is beautiful to watch.

A slightly more embarrassing tale... 

Whilst holding a wriggling Chaos the other day I knocked something over in the kitchen and said S**T. Unfortunately, Chaos copied me beautifully. He has always had trouble pronouncing "sh" sounds but not this time. I was really impressed at his developing language skills. It then registered which word he had chosen to copy and really hoped that he wouldn't remember it to repeat at the next family gathering!!


  1. Lol! Those are all perfect PMM- including the last one- too funny.
    And yes, he will be there moving everywhere before you know it. So awesome that he caught on to eating so quickly.
    Thanks so much for linking up

  2. Ha! They always repeat what you don't want them to say!! They are adorable. Thanks for linking up!


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