Wednesday 6 June 2012

June Blog Challenge 6

Todays subject is books. I love books! I have a lot of books around the house. I did have more but downsized my collection before we moved. Most of the books I have are reference books as I don't generally read the same book twice. I sometimes buy a novel at the boot sale and pass it on to a charity shop once I have read it but usually go to the library.

Here are the books I dip into most often at the moment and two that I am planning on reading next.

The Sensational Baby Sleep Plan by Alison Scott-Wright
This book was given to me by my Dad when we were having problems getting Chaos to go to bed. Although we haven't followed it to the letter it has some great ideas and information that make total sense. We have had great success with Chaos and no problems with Squish... so far! 

The Wonder Weeks by Hetty van de Rijt and Frans Plooij
This book explains a baby's mental development in the first two years. These two Drs have studied babies for 35 years and noticed a predictable pattern in their development. There are charts that explain when baby might be changing and the effect it may have on their behaviour. There are suggestions to help with certain areas of development, such as toys or activities. All through the book are quotes from different Mums about how they are coping or what stage their child is at. It is very interesting and surprisingly accurate. 

The Baby and Toddler Cookbook & Meal Planner by Sara Lewis
I am a little embarrassed to say that my first two boys were fed on jar food. The Big One had no problems with food and weaned easily. I was young, working and felt it had to be ok if it was on the shelf in the supermarket. Chaos was a nightmare. He wouldn't eat anything I made for him and only certain jar foods. He had reflux and any textured food would make him sick. (He was over a year old before he completely stopped having jars!) Touch wood, he hasn't needed Gaviscon since December. 
I wanted to do things right (or rather by the book) for my little Squish Pot. I am making his food myself. I have given him some baby porridge which he quite likes. I have tried 2 other types of baby food and he didn't think much of it but he has gobbled up everything I have made for him so I need more ideas!

Out Of The Woods But Not Over The Hill by Gervase Phinn
My Mum bought me this book. Gervase is a school teacher with some hilarious tales to tell about his pupils and fellow teachers alike. I have yet to finish it but I don't mind re-reading this as it's so funny. One of the funny bits is a list of the names he has come across, such as: Duane Pipe, Duncan Biscuit, Eileen Dover, Hradrian Wall (and a father called Walter), Victoria Plum, Annette Curtain, Poppy Field, Teresa Green,Holly Wood, Sunny Day and Justin Finnerty. Brilliant!

Just another Manic Mum-Day by Mink Elliott
I haven't started this book yet but it looks quite good. It's about a family who have moved to Sydney but the wife is finding it hard to settle. She sets up a "parents only" cafe with her new best friend and finds out she is pregnant with her second child. An opportunity arises for her to return to England but will she go...? 
I love light reads as I read for escapism. I rarely have the time for more than a few pages so I can't concentrate if it is anything too heavy going. I really like reading Jodi Picoult books. They are brilliantly written and very emotional. She wrote "My Sisters Keeper". The book was so good I didn't want to spoil it by watching the film!

Tricks Of The Mind by Derren Brown
This man is amazing! I love watching him and trying to work out how he does his tricks. I am going to read his book one day as he fascinates me. This book explains how he does what he does and goes into the history of magic and illusion. I have watched a lot of his programmes and he always delivers a fantastic show so I am hoping the book does the same!

1 comment:

  1. I meant to pick up the wonder weeks when Isaac was born... 33 Weeks in I won't bother- I shall ask you everytime he starts being a monkey!! ;) X


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