Sunday 3 June 2012

A Tour of Our Village

W went out for a walk with the boys and the dog yesterday and I thought I would take my camera. While we were out I thought I could do a post to show you what our little village is like. I took some along our walk but they were a bit samey so I took a few others as well to show off the best bits.

We set off with the two little ones and the dog. (The Big One is at his Dads for the weekend.)

There aren't many places that are accessible with a wide buggy and within walking distance to let the dog off so we have to make the most of the quiet lanes and hope there are no cats about.

We head down the hill so I can show my husband the new route I found the day before. It's really rutted but Squish Pot didn't wake up once, bless him.

These are some of the garden ornaments we passed. The water wheels are in the stream by the road. 

This is the view across the valley. The house in this photo is at the top of the hill in the second photo. This should give you an idea of where we came from.

So we made it down the seven thousand steps only to realise there was the same number on the other side! (ok maybe a SLIGHT exaggeration). Damn that buggy is heavy, especially with three stone of boy in it! 

Our Close

One of the cottages in the village that looks really pretty with all the flowers outside.
On the right is The Duke, our village pub, all dressed up for the Jubilee.
A rather grand house with a plant stall outside. I love that people can still do these stalls, it's great.
They are also ready for the Jubilee.

On the left here is the village hall where all sorts of social gatherings occur. On the right is a photo of our village shop.

This is the junior school. I really love the butterflies.

This is the village park. The hut on the right is where they hold playgroup on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is quite popular and everyone seems to get on with each other well. There are also 2 benches, a climbing frame, slide and two swings. They are applying for funding to improve the park as all the village kids are there when the sun comes out.

This, believe it or not, is the village surgery. It is a ground floor flat so it is quite cozy inside.
The two windows this end have shutters as that room is the dispensary. You can only get a prescription here if you live in the village.


On the left here is the village Pre-School and on the right is the bus stop.

On the way home this little lady was looking through the gate. You are as likely to see chickens in the gardens here as you are a cat or dog. To illustrate this point perfectly, we saw two girls taking their ponies for a walk and some grass.


This is the old village police house. It is set back from the roads and is also right on the edge of the village. It's a lovely old building.

Our House and the Green

I hope you have enjoyed this little trip around the village. 
I love it here. It's quiet, drama free and socialising is optional - perfect!


  1. Love it!! You live in such a beautiful place! <3

  2. I love it. I was brought up in a small town & I would love to live in a village. x


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