Thursday 19 July 2012

Green Day

I have just discovered a new weekly photo link up over on Raindrops and Daisies blog. Every Friday link up a photo of something GREEN. It can be anything you like as long as it is GREEN. Go on, give it a whirl and have a GREEN day!
Here is my first GREEN post. 
Hope you like it.


  1. Eine wunderschöne Aufnahme zum Thema...

    Lieben Gruß und einen schönen Sonntag

  2. Is that a dew drop on a blade of grass? Looks great! My first time on this too!
    Love your blog title!

  3. Hi Kat,

    Fiona here visiting from Raindrops and Daisies.

    I just want to thank you for joining up with us
    for "Green Day" on Friday.

    I am sorry that I am so late in visiting you
    but I was on holiday and only arrived back
    in the early hours of this morning,
    so lots and lots of catching up to do!

    Your photo is wonderful so fresh and green.

    Wishing you a lovely Thursday and hoping that
    you will join us again soon.

    Take care

    Fiona x

  4. Nie łatwo jest taką śliczną kropelkę "złapać" aparatem. Gratuluję i pozdrawiam.
    There is such a pretty easy drop "catch" the camera. Congratulations and best regards.


Please leave a comment as I would love to know who comes too visit, thanking you muchly!