Monday 23 July 2012

Kat Got a Bit Krafty!

As you know I am having a go at some new ideas and trying out new things. Over the weekend I turned my hand to a few small craft projects and thought I'd share the results with you. After my baking drama, it couldn't get worse, could it?

As we are a little low on spends at the moment, I decided to make a birthday card for my Dad. It was only when wandering around the art shop that I noticed a decoupage kit and fancied having a go.
Luckily the kit is pretty straight forward. There is a sheet of press out pictures that have to be layered in the right order to make the picture.
There are also some back ground sheets. Two are patterned and the others have a tree house image on them.

I chose the tree house image for my little bear as it seemed more fitting than a spotty or stripy pattern.
I bought some little sticky foam pads to use for the layers and some blank cards with a pretty edge. 

Once I got started I really enjoyed making this card. Putting the little sticky pads on was quite fiddly. It was also a bit tricky lining all the separate pieces up so some were a bit wonky but it didn't notice too much. Once I had finished it I cut the background sheet so it was centered on the blank card and stuck all the pieces together.

I think the finished product looks pretty good. My Dad liked it too, which is what really matters!

I also made a lolly stick jigsaw for Chaos. I can't remember where I saw this idea but if it was you, thank you! It is a basic jigsaw for little folk. Just get a row of lolly sticks and stick a picture on them. Then score down either side of the sticks and, Hey Presto, you have a jigsaw!
Chaos loved this one as we are all in it and played with it a lot. I came down this morning to find he has pulled all the photo strips off the sticks. I can use the sticks again though, so all is not lost!

I am also making him some felt numbers to, hopefully, help him count. He has been saying a few numbers in order for a few weeks so thought I should help him while he is thinking about it.
I have cut out some numbers in felt and bought some buttons to sew on each number. The number of buttons will correspond to the felt number. I am then going to back them on to card so it will take him a bit longer to undo the stitching, I hope! They aren't finished yet but this is what they look like so far....

Not amazing works of art but I'm enjoying being a bit creative.

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