Monday 23 July 2012

Sunny Summer Holidays, What A To Do

Here we are then. Day one of the Summer Hols. The next six weeks stretch before me like an unplanned, blank canvas. What are we going to do and where are we going to go? So many possibilities and opportunities...

Is it just me or does everyone feel a slight pressure once the holidays are here? I feel like I should produce some magical entertainment programme for my eldest sons amusement. I used to love the holidays and the daily spontaneity. We used to get up and see what we fancied doing, then go and do it. Fantastic!

As my son has got older, I have become more embarrassing (I know, Moi?? Never!) and less cool to hang out with. I also have two tiny tots that inhibit any possibility of completing a sentence, let alone a whole conversation. Obviously, our days are now planned (which is a bot of a shock!) around the little ones needs. My son is BORED. As every mother knows, this is a total nightmare! It is usually a time when you are totally skint so no money for anything, you are waiting for a repair man or delivery so can't go out anywhere or there is a power cut. They don't want to do anything you suggest so continue to mope about until you go nuts and send them to their room or down the shop for something you don't really need!
This has not happened yet but I am speaking from the experience of the last few summers. Unfortunately, we are skint (again!) so trips out are limited. All he really wants to do is spend time with his mates, which I totally understand but they are all in the next town 7 miles away. I just feel like I'm letting him down and what are meant to be his great summers are just rubbish.

I have made a holiday planner
It's just so we know how many days we have of the holidays. I can put down things that are happening, like tomorrow the boiler is being serviced so we have to be in from 12pm onwards. The Big One can put down things he would like to do. As you can see, there are many blank days and I have very few ideas to fill them with. A lot of the things he wants to do aren't possible unless my husband is there to help with the babies like swimming.

If you have any suggestions please leave a comment at the bottom. I will welcome any suggestions! It would also be great to know if you have the same problems, at least I'll know I'm not alone!!

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