Wednesday 1 August 2012

Hang on to Your Hats The Summer Swap is Here!!

It's the 1st of August and time to get crafty for my Summer Swap!

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Having taken part in a great mug swap with Hannah at Cupcake Mumma, I thought I would have a go at hosting a swap of my own. As the summer got off to a rather wet and dreary start, I thought, what better gift to receive in the post than a ray of sunshine made especially for you?
If you want to join in, pop your name, email address and blog name in the comments box at the bottom. I will pair you up with someone to swap with. 

You could have an idea of what you are going to make or have a look on your swap partners blog for some ideas. You can make anything you like but it must have a summer theme. Some ideas are a sunny cushion, a sun catcher, stained glass, a picture, a recipe, sand art or a cross stitch. A lot of you are far more creative than me so I'm sure you will come up with some brilliant ideas yourselves.

I also thought it would be great to include a magnet. There are so many that have funny sayings on, pretty pictures or unusual shapes. I realise it may be quite hard to find a summer themed magnet so try to find one that will make your swap partner smile. We all use our fridges several times a day so I thought it would be great to have a sunny reminder on there supporting your shopping list or your childs latest work of art! You could even make your magnet too if you're feeling especially crafty.

I hope that has inspired you to join in with us and get crafty this summer. I would like us all to share our swaps in the last week of August so the last entries will be on Monday 20th August. That gives people a week to make their gift and a week to send it. I will write a post with a Linky at the end of the month so you can all join up and read about each others swaps. 
This is a UK based swap. If you want to join in from abroad you should take into account the postal charges or find a swapper in your country.
If you have any questions please leave a comment, email or tweet me and I shall respond as soon as I can.

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I'm very excited about this swap and can't wait to get started! 


  1. You know me!! Hannah from @cupcakemumma11 exciting!! Xx

  2. I'm in,, my blog is "welcome to daisy row" (

  3. Martha aka

  4. I'm in. :-)
    Jackie from xx

  5. Room for a little one?
    Nat over at

  6. Oooh sounds fun!

    Hannah from

  7. I love summer and swaps so perfect!

    Vikki from


Please leave a comment as I would love to know who comes too visit, thanking you muchly!