Thursday 23 August 2012

Mama Kat's Writing Workshop

Mama’s Losin’ It
For the first time this week I am linking up with Mama Kat and her Writers Workshop. I have been meaning to join in for a while but I keep forgetting/ run out of blog time. Not this week!!
The prompt I have chosen is: 
What do your kids have that you always wanted when you were a kid?

The one thing I always wanted when I was growing up was a big brother. I wanted someone to look out for me, who was pleased to have me around, who wanted to just muck about. I was a bit of a tomboy so none of my friends really wanted to go pond dipping, build dens, sleep outside or climb trees. They wanted to plait hair, do each others make up, go shopping and talk about boys. BORING!!

I remember asking my Mum if I could have a big brother instead of my sister. She asked how that would happen. I thought we could just bring one home without a family. "And what about your sister?" she said. After a bit of thought I asked if we could just swap her for a brother. The answer was "No" (for some reason...)

I haven't really blogged about my sister as I don't think there is much to say. She doesn't speak to me and hasn't done for several years now. Why? I have honestly no idea. I have asked repeatedly and she never tells me. She wont arrange to meet up and talk about it either so I have just left her with her ingrowing hatred for me and carried on. It was really frustrating and upsetting at first but now I realise I have done all I can so if she wont sort it out I can't make her. It is a shame and I feel for my parents as they feel stuck in the middle.

She is 5 years older than me and has never liked having me around. I can see now that I must have been annoying to her but I just wanted to spend time with her as I thought she was great. She made it clear that wasn't going to happen. She threatened me not to speak to her if I saw her out with her friends "Or else". My mates all thought it was odd that we didn't talk but she was nice to them.

Some of my friends have sisters and they are best friends. They are very lucky. I know I will never have that with my sister. We have exchanged emails a few times and she has said some truly awful things about me and my children that I feel are unforgivable. She has only seen Chaos twice and not seen Squish at all to talk to. I have no real desire to have her in my familys life after the things she has said, whether she is my sister or not. I heard a saying years ago that you should only surround yourself with the people you most admire and want to emulate. I have lovely, caring, beautiful friends and they are who I am surrounded by.
I wish her lots of love and hope she finds her true happiness one day.

My boys have brothers. They have 2 each (it's only fair). I love watching them growing together and playing. Chaos is the most affectionate of the three. He always kisses and hugs Squish throughout the day, and comes running if he cries. He misses his Big brother when he is at his Dads for the weekend and waits for him to come home before he goes willingly to bed.
Big comes straight up to their room when he gets home so he can see them before they go to  sleep. He is great helping me out with them. He will give Squish a bottle or put them in their car seats for me. He has even babysat a sleeping Squish when I nipped to the shop. He takes Chaos round the garden on his bike or scooter and cuddles Squish when he's tired.
Squish has the biggest smiles for his brothers even if it is just a photo, he can pick them both out. He loves to watch Chaos playing and trying new things. He also laughs when Chaos gets told off which isn't so good!
I love that they get on so well and am only sad that there is such a big gap between Big and the babies, All he wanted growing up was a brother or sister. Although he loves them, they are too small for him to really play with. I am sorry that he missed out as I know how he feels.


  1. I'm the oldest of three girls and I when I was younger I always wanted a big brother to look after me.
    When I was 11 my dad died & I found out that he wasn't my biological father. It turns out I do actually have a big brother from my biological father and I met him for the first time back in January. It's just a shame he's on the other side of the world!

    With my sisters I am closer to one than I am to the other, but I wouldn't dream of cutting either of them out of my life (unless it was major).
    It's a shame that your sister doesn't talk to you, but at the end of the day, it's her loss if she doesn't want you or your gorgeous boys in her life. xx

  2. That stinks about your sister. But you are right that it is better to surround yourself with nice people, even if it means cutting out family! I had to do it with my stepdad. In the end it is less painful.
    But the great thing is that your boys really love each other!
    stopping by from Mama Kats!

  3. Siblings are great gifts to everyone in the family! I have sisters AND brothers so I feel extra special...except when they get mad at me...that's not such a special feeling. ;)


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