Saturday 25 August 2012

Proud Mummy Moments

Linking up with the super lovely Emmy Mom from across the pond with my Proud moment this week.
This week I have another little film for you. This is my beautiful Squish showing off his latest newly acquired skillz. He has learnt how to pull himself up, stand and walk round the furniture in the last 2 days. Oh and he is 9 months old next Saturday! Scary or what?!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as me! Apologies for his lack of clothing. He is teething and has a stinky cold so he is constantly dribbling from his nose and mouth. Hope it passes again soon. YUKKY!


  1. Oh squeel! Love love it! He is so cute- and his little baby babble. And look at him, he wanted what was on the couch.

    Great PMM! Thanks so much for linking up, sorry I am finally geting to it now

  2. Look at him go! He looks so proud of himself. What a cutie.

    Thanks for linking up!


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