Thursday 9 August 2012

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Linking up with the lovely Fay at Glass Half Full who is this weeks guest host for Reasons to be Cheerful
I have found this week, so far, has been really trying. I'm not sure why but I feel more tired than usual and the boys seem a tad more clingy/whiny than ususal. I am trying to see past all that and look for the positive...

.... Still looking......

I am organising a lovely craft swap this month and have some lovely ladies signed up already. As the summer has been a bit lacking I felt we should spread a bit of sunshine of our own! You can read more about it here if you wish. We would love to meet you. 

I am going to see my Mum tomorrow!!! I haven't seen her for nearly 2 weeks and it feels like ages. She was due to have her second lot of chemo on Tuesday but her blood count was too low. She has to be retested next week to see if it's risen. I know that doesn't sound cheerful, it's not but I'm happy I can go to see her and she said she is feeling better than she did before the first round so that is good progress.

I have survived two days with two boys in cloth nappies. I had a day off today so I could wash them all but we have saved two days worth of nappies and to pinch a saying... Every little helps! 

We had a nice walk in the sunshine this afternoon after quite a stressful day. Little Chaos was running about everywhere and trying to throw a stick for the dog. Unfortunately, he kept throwing it AT the dog but she kept coming back, the wally! 

After leaving my lovely new camera outside through a sudden down pour, I am so pleased it still works! 


  1. Love the photo, the colour is amazing! Fingers crossed for your mum. Thinking of you xxx

  2. A lovely picture, pleased to hear your camera survived!
    Great news with you being able to visit your mum and the fact she feels better. I hope her levels raise for her to continue her treatment. x x

  3. Enjoy seeing your mum, I hope she continues to feel better xx

  4. It's great to get out of the house for a walk and some fresh air when the kids are stressing me out! Have a lovely time visiting your mum and fingers crossed for her next round of treatment xx

  5. good luck with cloth nappies - I was too much of a wimp. Mums are fab and I hope her treatment carries on soon


Please leave a comment as I would love to know who comes too visit, thanking you muchly!