Thursday, 27 September 2012

Thursday Thoughts

I have found a new linky on a new blog! 
I rather like both so I thought I would join in. If you want to join in too, just write a post about what you have been thinking about today and link it up at Sar's Blog called Life of Love. While you're there have a looksee at some new blogs and leave them some comment love :o) x
What have I been thinking today?

1. I had planned to go for a wander around town without the boys but my Dad turned up for a surprise visit so I had a nice chat with him while we walked the dog instead. I haven't seen him in a while so it was nice to have a few minutes without the boys interrupting all the time.

2. I went over to have tea with a friend I haven't seen in a while. It was so good to see her and catch up on all the news about each other and some of our old school friends. Really hope to see her more often for a girly chin wag! 

3. I have been thinking about getting a job today. I am not sure how I am going to cope with leaving my babies every day, especially Squish as he is so little. It is not something I am looking forward to now.

4. Things with my husband aren't too great and I'm not too sure how to turn it around. I know we have to do something soon before it goes beyond the point of no return! 

5. I am really excited for my boys 2nd birthday party in 3 weeks. I am going to decorate the house like a jungle, hopefully! I am drawing and painting animals and leaves for the walls and door frames so it should be a laugh. As long as he enjoys it, thats all that matters to me.

6. I have also got a few christmas pressies today. I know its early but if I dont start now I cant afford the things I want to get people. I love christmas, with all the lights and candles, mince pies and carols. 

So what are your thoughts today? If you haven't already, join in with Sar's Thursday Thoughts


  1. I'm totally impressed you already started your Christmas shopping! That's dedication for sure. I haven't even though about what I should get my family/friends yet... I should get on that, eh?!

    ;) Happy Thursday! Thanks for linking up, Kat!

  2. There are three fall birthdays in my family so I have to get the shopping done for those before I can do Christmas shopping. Sounds like the party will be so cute!

    When my husband and I had the roughest time in our marriage- we sat down and knew we needed to do more if we were going to make it through it. So we decided that every night we would "check-in" with each other as to how we were doing, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This wasn't a time to accuse the other of what they were or weren't doing-- but just a time to express how we were feeling and doing and of things we may need to help us get through whatever we were going through. And the answer of "I'm fine" didn't work and more needed to be said. It really got us both talking and both aware of how the other was really feeling and made it easier to in the end help each other and really be there for each other.

  3. I know what you mean Emmy. My husband and Chaos have birthdays in October, Squish is December and Big is January 1st! It's crazy. Mine is in April so I always get forgotten.
    Thanks for the advice. It's greatly appreciated! We had a chat earlier and things are a bit clearer now. Hopefully, we can keep doing that and things will improve xx


Please leave a comment as I would love to know who comes too visit, thanking you muchly!