Thursday, 22 November 2012

Tamara Small and the Monsters Ball

I was recently sent a very wonderful book. I love it so much I have to share it with you! It was sent by, none other than the lovely Giles Paley-Phillips. The award winning author himself! Humbled indeed, was I. Anyway, back to the book...

The first thing that struck me was the happy monster on the front with his three eyebrows. They made me giggle. I also really like the finish on the pages. I know that's an odd thing to say but it feels nicer that glossy books.

I read this to Chaos, who picks things up very quickly. He loved the rhyming story and began to copy some of the lines. I don't think it will be long before he is reading it to me!
The story itself has a natural flow to it. Some of the words are slightly larger size and they are great to emphasize during story telling. These are the bits Chaos likes best.

The illustrations are fantastic too. They hold the childs attention with just the right amount of detail. I really like the fact that although they are all a little odd looking, each monster is smiling. I swear the purple monsters eyebrows get fuzzier through the book too!

I shall be looking out for Giles' book "The Fearsome Beastie" which won him the Peoples Book Prize. If it is anything like Monsters Ball we shall have it on our bookcase very soon!

With two great successes under his belt I boldly asked if Giles would be interested in answering a few questions for a blog post (and for my own interest!) and he kindly agreed. My "Interview" can be found on the Story of Mum Blog. I hope you enjoy these fabulous books as much as we are. Chaos can't wait for the next one, neither can I!

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