Sunday 25 August 2013

August Moon Day 5

Have you developed new yearnings this year and let go of the old ones?

A the start of the year I didn't want for much. 

They seemed like important things at the time. 
Maybe that is because all the really important things were ok. 
Now all I really want is my family back together again. 

I miss my husband so much. 
Things weren't ideal before all this happened.
Maybe that's why we are in this situation, to highlight what is important. 
So it isn't taken for granted anymore. 

I hope that however this situation turns out we are all alright. 
All of us. 
I think everything happens for a reason.
I'm just not sure what the reason is yet.


  1. Sending lots of love Kat. Always here if I can do anything to help or support you. You're being so strong, amazing lady x

  2. Honey, I know your pain all too well. I have been sitting on my unsettling circumstances -- ashamed and afraid to share my plight with the public. You have given me the strength to go forward with a big reveal. You have been the answer to my question: do I publicly share my responses as a good hostess, or do I continue to hide in same? The answer: do it. My friends and family are behind me. And now? I have found a kindred through the magic of a prompt series. Thank you for sharing this. And please be kind to yourself throughout this process. I know all too well how Social Services can make you doubt yourself -- but don't let them. <3

    1. Meredith, I think there is much to be learned, and that sharing is a good way of connecting and finding support. However, I have chosen not to publicly share everything my family has experienced. I do not feel ashamed, but my instinct to protect my children has limited what I feel comfortable posting on the Internet. I don't want to contribute to your fears, but my advice is to tread carefully if authorities are already involved. Much love xx

  3. Yes. Kindreds. Probably many more than we know. Much love to you.

  4. Sharing with a warm community of bloggers makes us all stronger. Thanks for sharing. Big love!

  5. My heart goes out to you, Kat! ((Hugs))


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