Saturday 24 August 2013

Decorating Progress

Last month I wrote a post about all the things I planned to do with my time off over the summer. I have just read that post again and realised it was slightly more optimistic that I thought at the time! I have been back at work for a week or two now and I thought I would share with you what I actually managed to achieve in that time.

I said I wanted to level out the patio area. That involved and awful lot more work than I originally realised as well as some co-operation from my neighbours. It would have involved taking down the fence and building retaining walls which neither of us were up to doing (as he was off work with an injured ankle). Needless to say the patio still looks exactly the same, it is just bordered by taller weeds and more dandylions! (The wheat  from last years bird seed has done very well though!)

The next project we were going to attempt was to build a quail enclosure. I left my Dad and Big in charge of this as a summer project to occupy Big. I prepared the ground. Dug it all over, picked out all the rocks and other debris. I levelled and raked it all out then mixed in some compost as there is a huge Willow tree consuming the goodness from the ground. Unfortunately, that is as far as I got. Dad and Big were doing other things with their time too so we don't have a quail enclosure. I think for now I will just turf it then we can add to it when we are ready. It won't look so half done then. (Half done things have a tendency to nag at me when I look at them, if you know what I mean?!)

This is how the patch looked to begin with. A bit overgrown and lumpy. You can't see in this picture but there is a huge dip just where the grass stops.

I cleared all the weeds and grass, then began digging it all over to get rid of the bricks and stones. I limited myself to an hour in the morning before the sun got too hot. 

Over the course of several days I got rid of the dips, the rubble, the weeds and nettles. I managed to level out the whole area and mix in some compost to feed the ground. This is still what it looks like now so I think I will get some turf and finish the job for now. Hopefully I can time it right so the rain will help it bed in.

Am impromptu change was painting our back gate a lovely yellow. It has brightened up the little connecting area no end. When the sun shines through the window it makes the whole room glow a golden colour. I love it! The door to the outhouse is the same colour blue so I think I will paint that yellow too. I would also like to get an ivy stencil so I can paint it trailing down either side of the doors. I think it will look amazing.

This plant is a Camelia. It was grown from a cutting taken from my Grannys huge Camelia bush in her garden several years ago. It has been in a pot until we moved here and I found the right spot for it. I have decided to make this corner a little memory garden. I have started to clear all the weeds and grass to  the shape I want. 

As you can see in the picture below, the whole area could do with a make over. It was a pond previously. The last tenants rushed to fill it in leaving the liner and the carpet under neath so it has already taken a fair bit of work to get it looking like this!
With all the sun and rain we have had lately the grass has grown thicker and greener now so it looks more like a flower bed. I think I will put some grass seed down though to give it a helping hand.

I found these two little ornaments and fell in love with them. I love butterflies so this Peace rock was a perfect addition to the corner. Who could resist this cheeky little chap?! I love his grin. 

I have also got a solar turtle light so I can see the corner at night. The turtle is already up there and it is strangely comforting having a little light shining back at me through the darkness.

I will try to get on and finish it before I go back to work on Tuesday. I have a Rush panel to put up behind the bush. I think it will make the lovely green leaves stand out against the brown. It will also add a bit of privacy, I hope. I also have some edging to put round the grass to make a little border. I'm not sure yet whether to put any other plants up there other than one. I am going to plant a Star of Bethlehem bulb. They have gorgeous pure white star shaped flowers. Bach Flower Remedies use Star of Bethlehem to aid the grieving process. I didn't know what the flower was when I bought it so now it seems perfect to go in there. 

Another plan was to paint the front room. We had recently had the fire place removed and it had left the chimney breast in a bit of a state. The walls were all different colours and it looked awful. 

I have managed to paint the room. There is still the wall by the computer desk to do, under the radiator and all the woodwork but it looks much better than it did! 

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Although I haven't finished all the things I set out to do, I think I have made some progress in making this ole house a home

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